CEDEN and GT Systems have teamed up to deliver the CEDEN Games Delivery Network using SPAN-AI.

Premium quality games distribution and play without the middle person

CEDEN and GT Systems have teamed up to deliver the CEDEN Games Delivery Network using SPAN-AI.

Current generation gaming experiences are plagued by:

  • Centralised proprietary marketplaces that decide what can be distributed to whom and take a large fee for doing so
  • High latency gamer to gamer and server to gamer interactions using legacy communications networks
  • Variable quality of service for communications intensive highly interactive multiplayer games
  • Poor gamer signup, trading and payments experiences particularly in the web2.5 and web3 games delivery world

We will change this.

CEDEN is the creator of the CEDEN games delivery network. A decentralised network of local node service providers who provide a superior gaming experience to the gamer via a:

  • Superior low latency gamer to gamer and game download and update experience, delivered using SPAN-AI networking technology provided by GT Systems
  • Wide range of game genres from traditional PC based multi-player games though to AR/VR multi-verses and emerging AI agent based multiplayer games
  • Decentralised low intermediary cost marketplace that is not dominated by a centralised network operator
  • Modern fractionalised payments environment that enables real time fractionalised (stable coin) payments between gamers, node operators, network providers and game developers, without intermediaries extracting large monopoly rents
  • Use of modern zero knowledge proof (ZK) verifier technology to track game asset ownership, associated IP rights and anonymise the personal identity of gamers, without the involvement of centralised entities

All of these features are brought together in a delivery network design that focuses upon:

  • Empowerment of the gamer via them effortlessly running a free client on any reasonably modern phone, tablet or computer
  • Working with many local network supernode operators who in return for fractionalised payments from gamers, stake the CEDEN token (CDN) to run nodes delivering the above decentralised SPAN-AI, marketplace, zkverifier, fractionalised payments and network administration software
  • Working with many Game developer/publisher node franchise operators who provide the games in return for fractional payments from gamers and stake CDN to participate in the network at different service levels
  • With the overall CEDEN delivery network protocol being developed and maintained by CEDEN and GT Systems on behalf of the community, in return for a small fee

GT Systems is the exclusive supplier of the SPAN-AI communications network architecture used by the CEDEN network. SPAN-AI is the first next generation of information centric computing and communications networks that uses AI to route and optimise gaming traffic both between gamers and between gamers and game supply and play environments. The SPAN-AI technology is patent protected globally.

CEDEN and GT Systems anticipate the release of the first Proof of Concept (PoC) stage of this project in the second half of 2024 and a progressive rollout of beta network features from Q1, 2025. Upon the release of the PoC we will be seeking the involvement of CEDENs existing community of gamers, node owners and game developers in the testing of the various features of the CEDEN delivery network.

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